For A Great Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor? |
You’ve Found One! |
You’re thinking about selecting an air conditioning contractor who belongs to the Service Roundtable. Congratulations. You’re thinking about selecting a contractor with a sincere desire to serve the customer (i.e., you) well, to employ industry best practices, and to continuously improve.
How do we know? It’s simple. Only contractors interested in superior service, best practices, and continuous improvement belong. The Service Roundtable is a private, membership based contractor alliance focused on performance improvement. |
Better Resources Contractors in the Service Roundtable gain access to resources other contractors lack. These include communication tools, training resources, industry best practices, and a real time network with literally tens of thousands of years of contractor experience to solve problems. More important than the resources are the motivations behind membership. Obsessed With Improvement Contractors
join the Service Roundtable for one overriding reason: they
are obsessed with improvement. Each member wants to operate the
best heating & air conditioning service company in the area. Each
wants to learn from the best in the nation.
out of the last five companies selected as “National Residential Contractor
of the Year” by the air conditioning industry’s leading trade magazine are
members of the Service Roundtable. “We
could not have placed our company in a position to be considered for such an
award,” said one winner, “had it not been for our involvement in Service
Roundtable.” The
members of the Service Roundtable are already recognized as the industry’s
best. Yet, each continues to seek new
ways to improve. |
An Attitude of Service Too many contractors seem to want to “get by” or “do the minimum,” which explains why many heating and air conditioning companies have such a poor reputation. This is not the attitude of Service Roundtable members. The attitude of a Service Roundtable member is to do more than you expect, to surprise and delight you, and perform so well you will become a customer for life, who refers others. Service Roundtable members strive: ü To actively listen to your requests, ü To be responsive to your needs, ü To inform you about all options so you can make informed decisions, ü To act as guests in your home, ü To be polite and courteous at all times, ü To be honest in all interactions, and ü Most of all, to do what they say they’re going to do. Does that mean Service Roundtable members will be perfect? By no means. No one is perfect. However, members of the Service Roundtable pursue perfection. Moreover, they take corrective action when they fall short. |
Old Fashioned Workmanship Service Roundtable members are more technically sophisticated than the average heating and air conditioning contractor. It’s a prerequisite to membership. Yet, technology cannot take the place of old fashioned workmanship. Service Roundtable members know this. A great attitude is worthless without skilled craftsmanship. You want it fixed fast, fixed right, and fixed the first time, every time. You’re Improving The Odds Until you try a service company, you can never really be sure how good the company performs. By selecting a heating and air conditioning contractor belonging to the Service Roundtable, you are dramatically improving the odds you will have a pleasant experience. You’re improving the odds because you know you are selecting a company willing to invest in service, in training, and in improvement. |
© 2006 Service Roundtable |