Dave Squires
Mike Layton
Making more money by having the “brains to know” where your market really is… and the “guts to say no” where it isn’t.
1:00PM | Oct 27
In the early 1900’s, John Wanamaker, a pioneer of modern advertising said “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” Over a hundred years later his statement is still true and the bane of every contractor. Every day HVAC & Plumbing contractors spend money needlessly on marketing to homes that will never buy from them with the belief that if there is a customer with a driveway—then my truck should be in it. Although contractors may realize that all marketing—online and offline—works better when it’s in your backyard... most contractors don’t know where their yard ends. In this presentation Mike and Dave will go over the hard facts, surveys, and statistics and show why marketing to less people will make you more money.
Some of the points that will be covered:- 1. What defines your market, and knowing the difference between your service area and marketing area
- 2. Why you have to keep your ego out of your ad buying decisions
- 3. How the “familiar” affects buying decisions.
- 4. When you can and can’t take “impressions” to the bank?
- 5. Why you can make even more money by drawing—and holding—the line.
About Dave Squires
Dave Squires is the president of Online-Access, a subscription based company that works with HVAC & Plumbing Contractors throughout North America showing them how to utilize the web as more than an electronic refrigerator magnet.
Dave is also the owner and Vice President of Vincent's Heating & Plumbing, a family HVAC business that has served the Port Huron area since 1959.
About Mike Layton
Mike Layton, President of Stochastic Marketing, is the son of an HVAC repairman who wanted his first born to go to college instead of turning wrenches for a living. After paying for college working summers as a pipe fitter (lots of wrenches) he went on to start, purchase or sell seven businesses (that all made money). After the founder of one the nation's largest, national HVAC and plumbing contracting groups asked him how to make contractor marketing more effective he came full circle, back to HVAC and plumbing.
Using data analytics, his company, Stochastic Marketing helps makes hundreds of contractor's advertising more cost effective. Stochastic does this by using a contractor's data to identify the prospects who are 600 times more likely to turn into a customer and focusing a contractor's sales/advertising on the prospects who are most likely to turn into a customer.
Stochastic Marketing's data analytics is based on an analysis of nearly $4,000,000,000 of its HVAC and plumbing customer's sales data from more than 30,000,000 visits to customer homes. Stochastic Marketing is a residential HVAC & plumbing marketing consulting company that bundles its services with cost effective direct mail and related marketing services.
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